Membership Information

If you have any membership queries, please email 

As a member of ANCA you will be supporting us to

  • Provide professional workshops on choral conducting
  • provides workshops for choristers
  • support our chapters in all states and territories, providing a broad network to liaise with others for the advancement of choral music
  • organise international conductors and guests to come to Australia offering the opportunity to have a workshop with your choir
  • provide workshops and sessions in all different aspects of choir training

Individual Membership Benefits

  • As a member you can receive FREE OF CHARGE a hard or digital copy of Sing Out, a magazine dedicated to choral work (please tick the appropriate box when you join) 
  • As a member you will receive the online monthly Choral E-newsletter
  • As a member you will receive the Chapter newsletter of your relative home Chapter (NSW/ACT, Vic/Tas, QLD/NT, SA or WA)
  • Through ANCA, individuals and choirs can be covered with Volunteer Accident Insurance through our recommended insurance broker, Aon.
  • ANCA offers, free of charge, extensive coverage for members on its website, including event listing, job seeking, choir openings and composer profiles
  • ANCA offers individual discount to festivals, workshops and performances (may differ from state to state)

Choir / School (per campus) / Institution / Choral Organisation Membership Benefits

  • As a member each choir / school / institution receives FREE OF CHARGE a hard or digital copy of Sing Out, a magazine dedicated to choral work (please tick the appropriate box when you join) 
  • As a member you will recieve the online monthly Choral Enewsletter
  • As a member you will receive the Chapter newsletter of your relative home Chapter
  • ANCA offers, free of charge, website publicity for members on its website (Choir profile, Events listings etc.)
  • ANCA offers the best value for money Public Liability cover for choirs. Through Aon, our recommended insurance broker, choirs can be covered for Public Liability when and where they perform for up to a $20,000,000 limited liability. You are also able to take out Aon’s comprehensive and discounted Volunteer Accident Insurance.
  • ANCA offers discounts to festivals, workshops and performances (may differ from state to state).

Concession Fees - if you are a holder of State or Commonweath cards you are entitled to a concession fee for individual membership.  These include:

  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
  • Carer Allowance Health Care Card
  • Commonwealth Health Card
  • Commonwealth Low Income Health Card
  • Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
  • Dept Veteran Affairs Card (Both)
  • Health Care Card
  • Seniors Health Care Card
  • Pensioners Concession Card



All Membership applications are subject to approval by National Council


Copyright © 2024 Australian National Choral Association