


Brisbane, Qld

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Formerly known as Brisbane Concert Choir (established in 1996), ChoirWorks is an auditioned SATB chorus of 70 volunteer singers performing a varied and challenging repertoire focused on classical music. A registered Not For Profit incorporation, the choir each year stages concerts ranging from entirely a cappella performances, to major classical works with professional orchestral ensembles and soloists, and four-part carolling leading into Christmas. The choir has excellence in performance as its core goal, and retains the services of a professional Director of Music and professional accompanist. Its performances include collaborations in the Concert Hall at QPAC, performing Symphony for our World live before an audience of 2000 for National Geographic, recording music for Queensland Theatre shows, and international tours to famous music venues in major cities across Europe and Canada.
Club: ChoirWorks Inc.
General public contact: Sue Gray
Rehearsal day and time: Tuesday 6.30pm
Rehearsal venue: Queen Alexandra Home
347 Old Cleveland Road
Coorparoo Qld 4051

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