Light Above Earth Below - Concordis Chamber Choir

7:30pm, Sat, 25 May 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Concert
    Start time: 7:30pm
    End time: 9:00pm
    Venue: The Recital Hall, Firbank Grammar School
    Gate 2, 51 Outer Crescent, Brighton VIC 3183
    Description: Light Above Earth Below

    Concordis Chamber Choir invites you to join us for Light Above Earth Below, an enchanting journey through the realms of sky, earth, and the elements.

    The diverse program explores the ethereal beauty of the natural world, featuring works such as Eriks Esenvalds’ celestial Northern Lights, where the delicate sounds of tuned wine glasses evoke the mesmerising aurora borealis. Audiences will be captivated by Joe Twist’s poignant How Shall We Sing in a Strange Land which weaves together the verses of Psalm 137:4 with A Song of Hope by Indigenous Australian activist Oodgeroo Noonuccal, offering a message of hope and unity amidst adversity. Additionally, the program features Katerina Gimon’s Elements, a texturally-driven work that combines aleatoric singing, graphic notation, overtone singing, and rhythmic body percussion to create an immersive choral experience.

    Join Concordis this May for a midwinter performance of choral music that will leave you feeling spellbound and connected to the natural world. Book your tickets now for Light Above Earth Below.