children's choir open for new members - Perth WA - North Coastal Childrens Community Choir

children's choir open for new members - Perth WA
Type of post: Choir Vacancy
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Janet Blenkinsop
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 19 Jan 2024
North Coastal Children’s Community commences Wed 7th February and welcomes boys and girls age 5yrs to 16yrs of all abilities, with no auditions.  In addition to the skills of singing, we also teach the children how to read music, teamwork, and gain confidence by performing concerts throughout the year.
Our Musical Director and vocal coach, Janet Blenkinsop, is highly experienced in performing and directing musicals, and opera’s and participating and conducting choir ensembles in UK and Australia. Janet takes great pleasure in passing on her valuable professional skills and knowledge to the children in the choir.
While our choir loves music ensembles, it also finds ways to contribute to the community and brings joy through performances at our local retirement villages.
The choir is about more than singing. We welcome new children to join throughout the year and provide a place where they can make new friends, gain confidence, and express or accomplish talents. Many children have increased their confidence with only a few weeks of joining the choir and love learning from each other. Commitment, perseverance, enthusiasm, and courage shines amongst the choir.
The choir rehearses every Wednesday at Quinn’s Mindarie community centre, Mindarie, PERTH WA
Juniors 5yrs to 8yrs 4.30 till 5.15pm
Seniors 9yrs to 16yrs 3.15 till 4.15pm
A $3.00 per week is appreciated.
Membership @15.00 per year